duminică, 30 iulie 2017

Matter of sex in a relationship?

I am not a specialist in this area and no I don't have to be, everything I write in this article are just the simple opinions of mine to come in the following several experiences of the couple. I feel better now that I said that, it is as a response to the haterii that they could write “how do you know that, are you sure you're a virgin who only write about something you never did”.

The relationship between two people should be based primarily on trust, or can't get to the sex, than in situations a little more special, then when the alcohol takes effect, or maybe other substances that you do not encourage you whatsoever. Once trust is in place, intercourse may become a lot more good than between two people who know each other very little time. I say this because in the bed matter many times and pleasures that one partner has outside sex. You have to keep in mind what he likes to really give a sex of good quality that helps to reach a point in which he wants.

The answer to the question from the title can not be given me, to every couple matter in an amount higher or lower, but definitely there is no couple to say that can pass over this issue without any problem. In percentages, I'd say that has more than 50% important, because sex can help you to get over the arguments simple in the couple, gives you a much better condition and makes you want more, and these things make you feel much better with your partner.

A small tip in regards to both the woman and the man: Each of the partners has a friend who knows his opinion about sex with you, maybe even more than you know, try to be your own best friend and be open with him, try to understand the fantasies and not criticism for what they do in bed.